Membership Registration Form

Personal Particulars
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The PSG is a voluntary non profit association of Rosythians parents. Our objectives are:

- Providing opportunities for discussion and explanation related to the education of the pupils;

- Promoting close co-operation and understanding between parents/guardians; the principal and teachers

- Encouraging social activities and relationship among parents and teachers

Enhancing and enriching the learning experiences of parents and children.


Some privileges include:
- Copy of PSG newsletter
- Members' get together
- Preferential rates for seminars and holiday programs
- Special buys (such as branded school bags and shoes)
- Involvement in School's activities through Parent Involvement Program (PIP)
- Voting rights at AGM
- Bonding and networking within the School


Membership Fee Payment:

Online payment via PayPal upon registration.

$60.00 for 6 years. (For new primary one parent)

For current Rosythians' parents, please sign up till the year your youngest child reaches Primary Six. Fees at $10.00 yearly.

Fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable
Pricing *

Current Total:
